Sapphire Moon, Box of Random Chaos, art, graphics, design, layout are © 2002-2007 Sapphire Luna.

Welcome to Sapphire Luna's Box of Random Chaos, formerly known as Sapphire Moon, Luna's site for fanart, comics (namely Successor's Dawn) and all around random fun stuff. Stay around for a while.

Updated Novermber 3rd

Updates time! Episode 5 of Zman's story is up. New fanart is up. New pages of "Objects in Mirror are Closer than they Appear" are up! Go read!!

Updated September 23rd

Updaaaates! Have you been reading "Objects in Mirror are closer than they appear? Well there are 3 more of that up in the comic section! A short 3 pages Naruto related comic is there too. Also, as usual, more art! And a new chapter of Zman's story. YAY!


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Since June 2002